Three Cords Framework for Sustained Transformational Leadership
Leading God’s Way
by Sam Voorhies, Voorhies International Consulting
The “Three Cords cannot be easily broken approach"“ from Ecclesiastes 4:12 focuses on three critical dimensions of transformational leadership:
Leading Self from Within
Leading Others
Leading Teams & Organizations (Psalms 78:72)
Voorhies International’s unique integration of corporate leadership best practices, biblical teaching on leadership, and ongoing spiritual growth will provide a transformative experience for each leader and their organization.
As Christian leaders, it is essential for us to lead from within, allowing Christ-centered character to guide our spiritual formation. We reflect on questions such as, "Who are we as Christians and who are we as leaders?" We ensure there is integrity and alignment between our beliefs and our actions, especially during challenging times.
We consider where we derive our identity, value, and worth. Is it from our job, title, and material benefits, or is it rooted in God's calling to lead for His Kingdom purposes and glory? Our ability to lead others effectively is closely tied to our ability to lead ourselves well.
We continually focus on growing in our relationship with Christ, allowing ourselves to be transformed into His image. Just as grapes do not come from thorn bushes, our leadership should bear good fruit that reflects the character of Christ. We guard our hearts, for it is from within that true intentions and actions flow.
We remember, it is not external factors but the internal condition of our hearts that shape our leadership. We stay rooted in Christ and allow His teachings to shape our leadership journey.
Read more about Voorhies’ Three Cords Framework for Leadership
Who am I as a Christian and who am I as a leader?
Is there integrity, alignment between what I believe as a Christian and how I show up and lead, especially during times of stress?
Where is my identity, value, and worth? In the job, title and perks? Or in God’s call on my life to lead for his Kingdom purposes and glory.
If I can’t lead myself effectively, I will not be a credible leader to others. If I am not growing in my relationship with Christ, being transformed into his image (II Corth 3:18), I will not be growing as a leader.
o Matt 7:16-18 - By their fruit you will recognize them. Grapes do not come from thorn bushes.
o Mark 7:17-23 - It is not what goes in that defiles (spoils or dishonors) a person, but what comes out from within from a person’s heart.
Starts with leading one another. Who am I reaching out to establish a relationship of trust and influence?
How self-aware am I? Am I moving from self-deception to self-awareness? Do I understand how my leadership behaviors impact others? Am I being effective according to their experience of my leadership?
How open am I to feedback? Am I willing to be vulnerable and authentic with those whom I seek to lead? Leading others is not effective without trust and trust cannot be established without vulnerability.
Why and how am I leading others? Am I leading out of selfishness, pride and ego or to genuinely serve and build others up to succeed?
o Ephesians 4:11-12, 29 - Leaders are to equip and build others up to complete works of service – saying only that which build them up and benefits them according to their need not yours.
o Matthew 20:24 –The gentiles exercise authority, lording power over those they lead. Not so with you. You must be servant to those you lead.
While growing in my relationship with Christ and study of Scripture, am I also learning to lead effectively in order to achieve God’s purposes in my business or organization as well as at home, and in the community?
What can we learn from the correlation between the social sciences research on leadership best practices with biblical teachings and examples on leadership?
What skills and abilities competencies of effective leadership, do I need to lead and scale large global enterprises. To go from being a good leader to a great leader that builds great companies . One that not only achieves extraordinary results but develops other leaders who are equipped to achieve extraordinary results.
o These things which you have seen and heard me say – entrust to others who will teach others - II Timothy 2:2
o And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them. Psalms 78:72
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